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About Us and how we work

Eastgate Digital aims to be your go-to technology partner for quality, reliability, and personalised digital services.

Established in 2017 originally in the historic city of Chester, UK (hence the famous Eastgate clock). We're now based in Shrewsbury but operate as a remote-first business. Although I often say 'we,' it's mainly me—Neil—behind the scenes. I will be your single point of contact throughout the project. I do however occasionally collaborate with other freelancers for additional capacity or expertise.

How We Work

The relationship I build with my clients is key. I like to operate as though I am part of your existing team. I'll guide you through the entire process of your digital project, from the initial consultation to final delivery and beyond. You can expect regular check-ins, agile practices, and a focus on collaboration. Being a 100% remote-first isn't just a buzzword either. It means I can work in any timezone that suits your project needs.

Whether you're a startup or an established business, I offer flexible pricing models to fit your budget—fixed price or hourly, it's your call. But rest assured, the focus is always on delivering a quality solution that fits your specific needs and timescales.

And the relationship doesn’t stop once your project is delivered. I aim to be a long-term tech partner, offering aftercare and sharing new ideas for future improvements.

So, if you're looking for a tech partner who’s flexible, committed, and focused on delivering value, you're in the right place.

Key Projects, Clients and Industries

  • Digital transformation of complex engineering process used for regulatory submissions into modern web-based multi-user application

  • Ecommerce data warehouse and analytics dashboard

  • Development of user portal for green cloud computing service provider

  • Development of new checkout and various other new features, improvements and road-map consultancy for an early stage ecommerce SaaS provider

  • Design and creation of a high-performance, secure and resilient, transactional websites for my own ecommerce businesses

  • Ecommerce inventory management system utilising AWS serverless architecture with interfaces into WooCommerce and several other 3rd party platforms

  • Enhancements and maintenance of various legacy engineering desktop applications

  • Design and creation of an engineering process and document management system

Technologies That We Use

With a long history of software development, we can tackle most things from working on legacy systems to shiny greenfields projects. For new systems we use a cloud-first approach. We have fully embraced 'serverless' as a working pattern as we have found the flexibility, time to market and costs help us meet our clients needs.

Here is a selection of some of the tech stack that we are currently using: